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Image Is Everything

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There’s an old saying that image is everything. And if that’s the case, then copyright is just as important. All too often images get lifted from the internet and used in Facebook posts; on Twitter and Instagram too. While this might seem okay, it isn’t because you could be in breach of copyright.

Now most businesses will be quite understanding if you’ve used an image without being aware it was someone else’s. usually they’ll just ask you to remove it (which you should – as quickly as possible). If you have been advised and you agree, it’s always nice to apologise too. Effectively you’ve been using someone’s property without their permission. So be gracious.

We know many photographers who have had work ripped off and some photographers have even passed off other photographers work as their own. We’ve been victims ourselves so we understand how upsetting it can be. It’s not acceptable.

On this site, for example, we might use shots we’ve taken ourselves. Some will have been supplied. Some will be stock shots from companies like Shutterstock and BigStockPhoto. Wherever they have been sourced, we always try to credit and will never knowingly breach copyright.

So if you see an image you’d like to use on someone’s website or social page, ask if you can use it first. And if they kindly say yes, then please give them a credit. it’s only polite.

Are you a photographer in the York or Yorkshire area? Would you like to showcase your work in York Life?
We’d love to hear from photographers in the York area. We welcome amateurs and professionals with equal enthusiasm. We just love people that take photographs, create images, and have a passion for imagineering.

Please get in touch by emailing mark@goodlifepublishing.co.uk and please remember to put York Life Photography in the subject bar. It does make it easier to track down your email later.

We’d also love to hear from artists too, so please get in touch.

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