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In Business In York? Need A Web Designer

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If you’re in business in York and you need a website designed, you could consider Cog Creative. This funky team of creatives who specialise in branding, advertising and web design are itching to get their hands on some new projects once lockdown is lifted.

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From basic page sites, brochure sites and blogs to full blown e-commerce virtual malls, you’ll find Cog competent and easy to work with. Check out the Cog Creative website at www.cogcreative.co.uk

Cog works with companies and organisations right across the UK and they have over forty years experience in design, marketing and web design.

Cog also offers social media marketing; looking after Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google ads for clients.

For more information, please visit www.cogcreative.co.uk and follow hashtags #CogCreative and the quirky #WhirrClickCreate

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